Monday, March 2, 2015

10mos iyla ray

Wow! 7mos have just flown by. No time for blogging, just being with my babies being a mom. The balance has been hard, for all of us. Derek works a lot, and I am super grateful that we are near my parents because they help out a lot! And then in August I decided that I would start to do wellness and education classes with Young Living. It started with friends and family, and now I have a growing abundant business. In a way I needed that time away from home, some adult time, and by nature I am a very caring, helping, ultimately a social worker. But at this point in my life a social workers hours don't exactly work for my family. It feels good to contribute to the family again after being a stay at home mom for over 3 years now! It also feels good to use something BETTER for my family, feels like I'm getting back to my roots! Shortly after I started teaching evenings and weekends, Dreycin started a Christian preschool, and has really thrived there! Bronson enjoys our mornings! He loves his puzzles, working in his workbooks, cutting, and music so much. We could dance all day! Before we know it it's time to get Dreycin! They are brothers and spend equal time playing & fighting! Meanwhile, I am either cooking, nursing, rocking or changing iyla....on repeat every day! But I wouldn't change this roller coaster of a ride we call LIFE for anything. Cheers to my 302nd post!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Iyla Ray's delivery

I had been laboring on and off since Friday night and Saturday. Sunday I had contx in the morning but they stopped, same thing happened Monday. I went walking on Monday afternoon at the mall & got a pedicure and that night my mom was doing some acupressure points on my feet and legs. At that point I was already dilated to a 3 and 75% effaced at my appt on Monday morning, and had been losing mucus plug throughout the weekend. About 2am Tuesday morning I woke up to derek holding my arm and having contraction, got up and had bloody show. Guess I was moaning in my sleep. Took shower laid in bed, contemplated going to hospital with contractions 10min apart. We Went ahead and went to hospital got there around 430, to my surprise I was dilated to a 6! My other fear was that I wouldn't get to hospital this labor on time! Looking back I think it was perfect timing! Got checked in, I declined IV fluids which of course was looked down upon by physician. I was also group B strep positive this pregnancy(wasn't with the other two) and declined antibiotics. I had done my research, and chose to do hebiclens douche every four hours throughout active labor, I started them at home at 330am. Was diffusing Joy & my doula Nataly was applying young living oils valor, lavender, clary sage. I labored until 10, checked again was an 8, no waters broken yet. Around noon went to hot shower and things got calm before the storm! The doctor was ordering my nurse to make me lay in bed and get a good fetal heart rate reading, from what they were saying baby Iyla's heart rate was not elevating with contractions. Contractions were pretty easy this whole time, every 8-10min. At each contraction my doula would say, "let your body melt Into the contraction." It really helped, along with her showing my husband how to push into my back and hips. Towards the end we needed her to move down into canal, and it was suggested I take each contraction into a squat position, which was a little awkward but helped with the labor back pain. The ball wasn't doing it for me, I pretty much just walked entire unit and would grab a hold of the rails and hold them while breathing. At 1252 waters broke. The break of the waters were natural, and she started her descent which at first was painful. A sudden rush of heat came over me and I began to sweat profusely. Then I found out the waters were meconium stained, they called NICU for the delivery. My heart sank, and I turned around from being on all fours to sitting up on my bottom. I felt like I wasn't able to push as well on all fours. Checked again was a 10complete. All I could think was that I needed to get her out, to make sure she was ok. They pulled up the handle bars for me and at 106 pm iyla was born. I pushed her out all in 1 push because I was so scared. My mom is a Nicu nurse, and I worked in mother baby for 2 years, I knew the effects of meconium in water sac. No wonder her heart rate was not elevating. She had a Perfect high pitched cry, but I saw she was covered in the meconium, in her mouth and on her face. Hannah my nurse was suctioning her and she went to the Nicu team at the warmer. Everything happened so fast that Derek or my mom did not get to cut the cord. At that moment my birth plan had to change for iyla to go to the Nicu team instead of my chest for skin to skin and breastfeeding. Iyla was being frantically suctioned and stimulated. My mom was with her and as I heard iyla screaming my mom looked up at me and said she is ok. Thru all that my mom was crying. I ended up having a small tear from pushing her out so quickly, got stitched up and gladly accepted the lidocaine numbing shot! The doc couldn't stop my bleeding, it just kept coming and we decided it would be best if I received a pitocin shot in the leg, probably due to the baby aspirin I took throughout pregnancy for my lupus. Again something I couldn't control and had to just do for my safety. After that the doc came and showed me my placenta, (I always ask to see them) Well this placenta showed us that I had a partial velamentous cord insertion. It a rare cord condition that can requires baby to be born by csection. We are guessing it was missed, but also explains why iyla was so distressed at 35 weeks and tried to come early. When I look back this was a beautiful birth, but at the same time my body's intuition to have a natural birth saved my babies life. Who knows what the pitocin or epidural could have done to heart rate or velamentous cord, my guess is probably more distress. There were times where I questioned if I would be able to make it through the pain, but I knew it's really what I wanted what I longed for after two previously medicated births. Brings tears to my eyes when Dreycin looks at iyla and says "your so pretty iyla!" Both boys have so much love for her! "Iyla is the princess" Dreycin says! All the boys have to do is look at Iyla and she is all smiles ear to ear! It's been a blessing having a daughter, Not only to me but also Derek. He may not survive the teenage years!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

We survived the move to Texas!

We have been in Texas about a month now. It was a really rough move with the boys, and me being pregnant with Iyla(yes we have a name!) It feels really good to be home, but I wish Derek could have actually stayed with us here and not had to have gone back to Georgia to finish up some work stuff, and go to the shooting range in SC. The boys and I have been staying with my parents, it just works better so im not alone in Waco being pregnant. My dad helps me alot, since he is home. which Ive just been so tired from the move. My parents have willingly been traveling with me back and forth from Waco, about 1x a week to help with unpacking and my OB appointments. Which wasnt easy finding an OB that I felt comfortable with. I did find a great Lupus dr, but both my OB and her are in Temple which is still a good 30min drive from our Waco house. I was so distraught about the whole process, that Derek and I were considering paying out of pocket for a birthing center. Now that I feel comfortable where we are at, I think I may still hire a doula to help me carry out my wishes of a natural birth this go around, with no medical interventions like pitocin, epidural, bath for newborn, etc. So back to Iyla Ray, ever since we found out we were having a girl we have been showered with gifts! Her little closet is already full, and we really only need big things like carseat, swing, and lots of cloth diapers! And instead of doing a traditional baby shower, im inviting close friends and family to do Painting with a twist for something different and fun! Im excited about everything, and anxious for Derek to get back to Texas and make our more permanent move to Waco from Dallas! Just 3 more weeks! I think we are really going to like Waco, and its so nice to be able to go up and come back in one day! Now onto finding a new car, to fit my family of 3. No minivan....never ever gonna be a minivan mom!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Its a GIRL!!!

A few weeks ago we had our anatomy scan and we found out we were having a girl. Dreycin's intuition, psychic abilities were right all along! He knew without a doubt he was having a sister, and kept telling me "Its a girl!" Derek was shocked when the ultrasound lady told us, he was like are you 100% sure? She said Ive been doing this for 30 years, im sure! He really thought we were having another boy! Im so happy, to have a little mini me to have fun and shop with/for! ive already begun shopping sales! Its pinks, purples, and more pink invading this house full of blue and boys! Everything looked great on the ultrasound, Baby I weighed 6ozs @ almost 17weeks! Havent felt her a whole lot, but she is laying sideways across my tummy! The gas I had been feeling was probably her the ultrasound tech said, because she is so high. I am carrying her higher than my boys, and I can definitely tell with my clothes. Im officially in maternity clothes especially pants! We have had some other great news, Derek just officially received his promotion to SSGT! Lots of good news to look forward to over the next few months, especially our move to Texas at the end of this month and trip to Disney next weekend!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I'm almost 16weeks, and in just 1 week we will find out what baby #3 is! Up until this point I have just gained a few pounds, maybe 5. I can still fit in my size 8 & 10 jeans with the hair tie trick. My workouts are still non existent, but I have more energy and doing more around the house and with kids. I have a fetal Doppler at home and baby heart rate is between 152-158, sometimes a little higher. My nausea comes and go, but I really don't have to take meds anymore, most of the time I'll pop a ginger candy in my mouth and that helps. I get overheated easily, and can't lay on my tummy anymore! We had an excellent 4th bday weekend for Dreycin, we went camping at Stone Mountain. I did have a heater blanket and air mattress, and we ate out most meals except breakfast! Dreycin and B loved it all the marshmallow roasting, camp fire, playing in the leaves, sky ride, but for Dreycin it was the hike up stone mountain with his daddy! We got off to a very rough start, but it got better as we adapted to our environment! I'm loving to eat my @ home chipotle copy cat bowls with avocado, fried eggs with toast and turkey bacon, turkey bacon sandwiches, chicken anything, ramen noodles, baked potatoes, home made refried beans in tortillas. I like to drink water again, but love whole food brand lemon lime drinks. I've cut back on the candy since Halloween, and dont really crave chocolate,  but will eat some trader joe's cookie butter! So we have dates for Dallas now that we have bought our first home! We will be in Dallas close to the new year! Very excited to be close to home again! Pic is us the night of USMC ball Nov 8, 2013(14weeks)!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Baby #3

We are 10 weeks today, size of a prune. Which I may need to buy some prune juice because this nausea has gotten the better part of me this week and I have been popping zofran a lot! Nausea and fatigue, this constant tiredness is for the birds. I try to sneak in naps when Derek is home for lunch or in afternoons when he gets home, but it is seriously kicking my butt! My workouts cease to exist, but until week 7 I was doing t25 4-5days a week, now I'm lucky if I get in 2-3 days of 20 min workouts with weights. I'm hoping this will subside soon. I've been eating a lot of baked potatoes with my vegan toppings, pasta with vegan Alfredo, vegan ramen, rice and lentils with avocado slices, chicken a few times a week, and lots of sandwiches with miracle whip and tomatoes! Today I woke up from my nap dreaming about eating a slice of cake with a buttercream icing! I'm dying to eat sweets but they make me sick, more nauseated! I did sneak in some Oreos today with some rice milk! I also love fruit Popsicles,peppermints, gum, and ginger candy to help ease the nausea. So as far as #3 goes, I found out from Dreycin! About one week before I was suppose to get my cycle he told me out of the blue in the kitchen, "you're pregnant." I was speechless, I mean Derek and I had talked about #3 but in like 6months after we had made our move, and we had been very careful since I had mirena removed in June. So I took a. Pregnancy test and it was negative, I was like see he is wrong my cycle is coming, but it didn't and I took another pregnancy test the weekend after my birthday and it was positive. Dreycin has continue to talk about the baby, and says "He will show her....." Yes he says her, she all the time. I can only hope it's a girl, but all I pray for is a healthy baby. The slew of doctors appointments have begun, we have already had 3 ultrasounds, and I will start seeing the high risk dr in addition to OB. 

In other great news we have taken a duty assignment in Waco, Tx. He received selection for promotion to Staff Sgt! Which means we will be near my parents and Derek's, about 1.5 hrs away. It is truly the best blessing and best time especially with #3 on the way! We are set to move in Feb, but I will prob move in January to find housing!
I don't know exactly why, but I decided to start potty training B this week, and he is doing really well with it. We've only had a few pee accidents and 1 poop accident! And lastly, we decided to take advantage of being close to Walt Disney world and go the week prior to christmas. It will be our christmas to the boys, and maybe they will have some stocking stuff to open Christmas Day. 
So that's the latest and greatest with the Delavega family!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Flying with toddlers

So about 11 years ago I use to get panic attacks, where I would hyperventilate and puke. That's how I was feeling this morning before leaving to go to the airport with the boys. Very anxious about the travel, especially going through security. I was carrying 3 Carry ons, 2 car seats on go go babyZ wheels, and two kids. Not to mention my checked baggage 1 suitcase! My dad and Derek's dad took us to airport, after asking a million people calling airline and being told there was no assistance for a mom traveling alone the check in lady said she could print up a dummy ticket for one of my dads to go through! So I was saved, mini panic attacks stopped and it was smooth sailing! The pilot and crew helped me onto plane, installed car seat and helped me get organized and seated on plane with bags in compartment. Amazing service from American Airlines! Besides who wouldn't help a mom with two kids and shit load of crap!

I was over prepared, I had one carry on strictly for activites!
1. 2 watercolor Melissa and Doug pads
2. Triangle ring crayons found in target $1 aisle
3. 2 Mini notepads to doodle
4. Sticker pad from Melissa and Doug
5. Magnet pad of race card
6. Airplane stickers
7. Books from half price (Diego/Dora)
8. Buster buckle toy(best $20 spent)
9. DVD player w/Diego
10. Two headsets
11. iPad
12. Mommy iPhone

Al that was used was 7-10, and 12! It was 1.5 hr flight when I thought it was 2, so we lucked out! I also purposely scheduled trip around Bronson nap time, and he fell asleep last 30 min of flight and during landing until we got off plane! The buckle toy saved B from screaming entire trip, he loves buckles is kind of obsessed with his high chair buckles right now so when I found this online I had to get it! I ordered it directly from the buckle toy company! And they sent it priority so I got it Monday afternoon before our Tuesday flight! Bronson also played with 3 apps on my phone,
1. Beari happy
2. ABC alphabet
3. Tozzle
For a very short time also watched Diego with Dreycin(which is what Dreycin did most of flght) but b really isn't into tv.

Dreycin and Bronson sucked on lollipops on the way up, on the way down Dreycin did say his ears felt funny but this time we were chewing gum? He also mentioned tonight again his ear hurt so I'm gonna be a little more observant the next day or so!i put him in a night time pull up just in case, he hasn't had an accident in forever but on occasion (1-2x a month) will wake up wet in mornings in pull up. Thankfully Dreycin did not have to go to bathroom on flight! He did mention he wanted to go see it but, I said next time(with daddy)! I also put bronson in huggies night time diaper and it held him the entire flight until we got to hotel!

Prior to boarding plane we had a picnic like lunch at airport. Pappa K fed them almond butter and crackers and I went and bought bottled water and mandarin oranges and that was lunch. I didn't have to pull out snacks for them during flight, I did share my cashew butter macro bar with them though. And yes I packed way to many snacks too. Security let me pass with 4 apple juice boxes whole foods 365 brand. I had two snack bags of roasted chickpeas, sun butter bars, plaintain chips, and gummy bears(last resort!).

I had a change of clothes for each boy, 1 blanket, we all dressed in layers so had sweaters but did not wear them bc we were hot! I also bought hylands calms forte to give boys for nervousness, which I probably needed more!!!

I could not have asked for this day to turn out better, 1 day closer to seeing the love of my life!